In observance to the Republic Act No.10173, "An act protecting individual personal information in information and communications systems in the government and the private sector, creating for this purpose a National Privacy Commission, and for other purposes”, also known as Data Privacy Act of 2012, GRRT Recruitment Services understands the value of privacy and is committed to protect it. Thus, GRRT Recruitment Services ensures that it is compliant to the requirements and standards of the National Privacy Commission, which is mandated to administer and implement the provisions of the act, and to monitor and ensure compliance of the country with international standards set for data protection.
The succeeding statements shares how GRRT Recruitment Services administer information required in its services.
Serving You. GRRT Recruitment Services’ goal on gathering information about you is to help you land your dream job through its recruitment service.
Gathering your Personal information. This information is any information recorded to a material or not, or judgement based on fact or knowledge about you, whether correct or not from which can determine your identity. Personal information may be your everyday
information such as, but not limited to your home address, phone number, or mobile number up to sensitive information such as your medical condition or history. Opinions of your previous or current co-workers, whether correct or not, even your work experience, qualifications, behavioral assessment results, and other information gathered and obtained by GRRT Recruitment Services related with your possible job placements.
Personal information will be collected from you by GRRT Recruitment Services will solely be for the purpose of recruitment services.
Your personal information could be gathered directly from 1.) you, through your personal attendance on an interview, through phone calls, letter, fax or email exchanges; through resume submission; filling and submission of registration form; 2.) third party partner. GRRT Recruitment Services may receive details of any reference about you; results of inquiries of former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration body; results of any pre-employment/ behavioral/ medical test; performance feedback (whether positive or negative); behavior in or while you are at the workplace; incidents involving accidents in workplace to which you are involved; financial information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved.
GRRT Recruitment Services is not just committed on securing your consent prior the usage of your personal information. Thus, GRRT Recruitment Services also ensures that you are aware of the purpose of such collection.
Protecting Your Sensitive Information. Information such as, but not limited to your racial or ethnic origin; political biases and affiliations; religion and religious beliefs; professional membership or affiliations; sexual orientation and preferences; criminal record; and health record.
GRRT Recruitment Services will only collect, use or disclose information about you in accordance with the Philippine law. In most cases, if not all, collection, usage and disclosure of such information will be done only after receiving your consent.
GRRT Recruitment Services may use and disclose the personal information it collects about you for the following purposes: 1.) provide recruitment services to you; 2.) Should the law require GRRT Recruitment Services to; 3.) Other engagement which you have engaged GRRT Recruitment Services. 4.) Should a professional association or registration require to; 5.) employee compensation body.
Should GRRT Recruitment Services engage with a third-party vendor to perform services which involves handling personal information, GRRT Recruitment Services takes reasonable precaution in prohibiting and limiting the vendor from using personal information except for the purposes for which the service was outsourced.
GRRT Recruitment Services shall not keep your personal information longer than necessary. GRRT Recruitment Services shall appropriately dispose of your personal information in accordance to the guidelines given by law to protect you from unlawful and unauthorized use or disclosure.
Request to Access. You may request access to any personal information GRRT Recruitment Services holds about you, subject to the R.A No.10173, Data Privacy Act of 2012 and any related relevant legislation. GRRT Recruitment Services would like to ask for your patience as your request may require reasonable time to be dealt with. You may be subject to settle a fee to cover the reasonable costs of retrieval and supplication of the information you requested.
GRRT Recruitment Services is not always required to provide you with access to your personal information on request. Refusal to gain access to your personal information may vary on a number of circumstances, such as, but not limited to denial of access is required or authorized by law or should the request be provocative or insignificant. Should your request for access be denied, you may depend that GRRT Recruitment Services will provide reason for the denial.
Importance of Update. GRRT Recruitment Services that change is constant. To ensure that GRRT Recruitment Services can deliver the best recruitment service to you, reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date will be taken. GRRT Recruitment Services connect and contact you from time to time to check that the information is still correct.
Let Us Know. Should you wish to inquire, gain access, correct your personal information, or make a complaint about a breach of your privacy, you may contact